Ever Since Veteran Nollywood Actress Nkiru Sylvanus Popularly known as Ble Ble shared her pre-wedding photos on social media, Netizens have been longing to know the groom that has captured the heart of the Nollywood star.
From our research, Nkiru Sylvanus Husband has been identified as Riches Sammy. Tho Riches Sammy is not his real name, we are yet to confirm his real name. From our research, it has that he is a Nigerian actor based in Japan.
Mr Sammy is a filmmaker, Tv personality, and a YouTuber with a vibrant YouTube channel. Sammy as an actor, he has been featured in several Japanese Television Saigen dramas, movies, and Tv shows, some of the movies he has starred in are
- Dance with the Police; a Japanese crime story
- Death is an End; a short film about depression; and ‘Black lives Matter’ a Japanese Tv Drama.
The actor has also starred in a TV commercial for the Kirin Beer brand in Japan.
Mr Sammy also invested in Japanese nightlife with his joint, H2 International Bar and Restaurants. His spot offers football viewings, karaoke, and clubbing experiences to its clients.
How Did Nkiru Sylvanus meet with her husband
Not sure how their paths crossed, but Sylvanus was a brand influencer for his brand, 7th Planet International Ltd, a restaurant and bar in Enugu State.
See more photos of Sammy
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