The important courtship meaning
Courtship meaning
Many people do think that courtship is only a media for
fornication(sin) but I will not disagree with that
but I will still say a little No to that. Courtship is not only a media
for fornication, it is also a media where two adults come together
to understand each other and know what they need to know
before getting marry.
Courtship is like a school.
Many divorce homes these days are related to the absent of courtship,
some will say it was love at first sight so
I couldn’t wait than to make her my own, my parent said it was a
good family to marry from, our parents
were friends, she is smart and intelligent, she was the most
beautiful in college, he was the most
handsome in college, he has muscles, our church was against it etc.
Was that the only reason we end up in marriage?
What if some years later things start changing, she is no more
that beautiful as at in college? What if he
stopped working out to keep himself really physically fit anymore?
What if your parents later have issues and misunderstanding set
in and they break their friendship?
What will be the outcome of all these questions?
Don’t marry someone with condition attached to it, because one
day, when that condition that made
you to love nor accept to be the person’s partner disappeared,
then marriage will end up becoming a battle field or a grave yard
in which everywhere is silent and if care is not taken, it will open
ways to divorce. from courtship meaning, we can now talk on;
- You will know if he/she is a human at day and something
- else at night.
- You will get to know the kind of food he/she likes and the one which he dislikes.
- You will get to know his sleeping position.
- You will get to know if he snug at night if you can deal with.
- Is he a bully
- Is he a hot temper?
- How he reacts to issues that arises.
- Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.
- Are his/her friend’s responsible kind of people
- Can you deal with his friends around?
- Are they compatible
- Will you be able to be free with them i.e. (will you take them as your own friends too)
- His job
- What he/she does for fun
- What he uses his time to do
- How serious he is with what he does.
- The kind of blood that flows in him
- His behavior with the family (the way he treats his family can also determine the way he
treats you.)
- His background/ past
- The way his family treats and take people
- The religious
Remember that someone being romantic doesn’t only have to do with the bedroom.
You can have fun with someone without having sex with the person. Example of romantic
moments are:
- Cooking together
- Pillow fight
- Working out together not only at night
- Chatting with each other even while sitting together.
- Texting him/her reminding him how handsome he is and how beautiful she is and how you
are privilege to have him/her as your fiancée
- The way he/she behaves when he is with you
- His speech (the way he/she talks matters a lot. In fact, the
way people look at you is also
determine by the words that comes out from your mouth when
you speak) so mind
your words.
- His sense of humor
- Can you deal with his sense of dressing?
- Does he know color combination?
- Does he/she dress to your taste
- Is he a suit type or a casual dressing type?
- Does he know what kind of shoes to use when he dresses to an important occasion.
- Does he/she reason things the way you do.
- Do argument sets in in every discussion you are trying to initiate
- Does he reason with his head or with his hands?
- Is he a grow up or still a kid?
- How serious is he/she when you talk about your relationship?
NOTE all these are part of the things you watch out while in courtship not until when you
are married.
Once you are married, you both belong to each other but in courtship, you can deal with
what needs to be deal with in and on time.
If there is no regret during courtship, there will be regret in marriage, all you have to do
is to keep your home both physically and spiritually fit.
- Don’t get married to someone you don’t love just because all your friends are married.
- Don’t marry someone because of his/her wallet.
- Don’t marry someone due to depression
- Don’t marry someone just because you think that’s the only solution to insults
- Don’t marry someone just because you worship in the same ministry
- Don’t marry someone just for family reputation.
- Don’t marry someone just because mummy says so.
- Don’t marry someone just for political pursuit.
- Don’t marry because of what you see because in months or years later, you will start seeing
what you didn’t see back then.
- Don’t marry because dad made a promise to his/her family when you were born that you are destined for each other. It is only God that writes destiny.
- Don’t force someone to marry you. Even if he/she loves you. (love doesn’t keep marriage but understanding does)
- Don’t marry a bulling.
NOTE THIS (courtship meaning) Marriage is to be enjoy and not to be endured Don’t
endure while you are dying within you, just because you don’t
want your marriage to scatter or your friends/ people to
gossip about it, you now decide to endure it.
Marriage is not all about endurance perhaps for how long will you
continue to endure nor keep up the act that your marriage is okay.
It is until it kills you? If you have made this mistake and
maybe it I hunting you now, seek for a counselor, if you can convince your partner to join you, then you do.
Pour out your heart let him/her get to know your pains and the
trauma he/she have put you through.
Then if change occur good, but if after everything no change.
Then I will say “FOLLOW YOUR HEART” Be wise.
marrying the wrong person is not one of the mistake you should
plan to make in life.
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