How to make your boyfriend jealous
You love him so much even more than you can express sometimes but most times, he acts as if he doesn’t know how much you love him and this most times makes you think if he even loves you at all, have you ever thought about how to make your boyfriend jealous before?
Have you ever doubted if he even loves you in return? Then don’t worry, I will tell you just a few things you should do and trust me, if he loves you, you will know from his actions.
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During this process I want to show you how to make your boyfriend jealous, don’t ever judge him on anything or the action he takes.
Perhaps remember that you are doing it to get to him.
Loving someone without being loved in return or without even knowing if he loves you too can be so frustrating, perhaps, it hurts a lot, loving someone shouldn’t bring hurt but instead happiness and joy.
But don’t worry, I’ve got this, just pick any of these steps if not all, and it will help you to know if your love is one-sided or both sides.
1 Dress decent but outstanding when going out with friends: Dress decently in the sense that you don’t have to expose your nakedness in public. For him to be in that outing along with you, means guys will come including his friends.

Try and get acquainted with some guys if not one, feel free with them, chat with them and loud. Don’t ever try showing him that you are acting or that you are doing that to get his attention or else you won’t win.
In the discussion, ensure that it is a topic that you know things about because this will help you to be yourself when chatting about it.
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2 Smile a lot: when having the discussion, ensure that it is not a boring conversation because you need something that will help you smile as much as you can.
When smiling be giving him a little 2-second look and then look off. This look is to observe his face.
When you look at him, continue with your smiling face, if he smiles at you, it means he is admiring you from away from the way you smile, dress, etc.
But if he doesn’t smile or fake the smile, just know that he is jealous of seeing you smiling with another guy or other guys. In this stage, trade with caution because is not all men that can control their jealousy.
3 Compose yourself: No matter what occurs there, don’t lose guard, be in your right state of mind and ensure that you don’t act before thinking.
If couples were among the people you went to meet or went out with, admire them and tell them how perfect they look with each other and how happy you are for them.
Ensure that during this conversation, he is closer if not with you. This will make him think twice and one of the things he will think about is ” How perfect you two will be, how lucky he is to have you”.
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That will be his thought but since is just a thought, you will need to observe him immediately after the gesture, if he looks a little lost in thought or just smiles, then that’s your man.
4 Be attached to something: If you are at home, instead of being bored or nagging him, be attached to something, it might be your phone, a book, or a movie.
Watch or read something that will be making you laugh, laugh with yourself, and be smiling, don’t overdo it, but in the process, enjoy yourself and be free.
Make sure that your smile is his weak point.
5 Wear to catch: Now you are at home, you don’t need to dress too decent, because this time, you want to catch. Make sure that whatever you wear is nice accompanied by a nice fragrance.
Yeah, if he doesn’t turn immediately to look in your direction, with the fragrance, he will look and that’s your chance to perform any magic you want.
Note: if you can’t even make your man want you, there is no how you can make him jealous and even want you more.
A man can only be jealous of you with someone else only if he is in love with you.
So when trying and looking for how to make your boyfriend jealous, ensure that you are also working on yourself, both in and outer parts.
6 Undress in front of him: now this is it, at this stage, is when he will confess to you how he felt seeing you smiling and playing with other guys instead of him.
As he is confessing, go into your nightwear and walk toward him, and now is your chance too to ask him this question.
“WERE YOU JEALOUS” note, he may be trying to be a man but you already know the answer so move to the next question, “DO YOU TRULY LOVE ME” that’s it, that the moment you were even looking for.
At this stage, he won’t be able to pretend again.
There are still other ways how to make your boyfriend jealous but you got to learn how to use what you have and get what you want.
Also, don’t just allow making your boyfriend jealous to be your only target, please. in the process of trying to get your boyfriend and affection or in the process of trying to push your boyfriend to the level that he can’t hide his feelings from you anymore, ensure that you also look after yourself.
Ensure that your heart is safe and sound while doing this because if at the end of it, the outcome shows that your boyfriend does not value you or the relationship the same way you do, you might end up hurting yourself. so during this quest, make sure that you prepare your shield for the protection of your heart.