Marriage vs Domestic Partnership – Different Between Domestic Partnership And Marriage

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Domestic partnerships came to the scene during the era when same-gender marriages weren’t legally recognized in the United States. Then people started to engage in domestic partnerships to enjoy some of the benefits allocated to married couples by the government such as; Social security and life insurance benefits. So what is the difference between domestic partnerships and marriage?

What Domestic Partnership

A domestic partnership is a great alternative to marriage, domestic partnership is simply defined as a legal relationship between two individuals who have agreed to live together and share a common domestic life, just like marriage but are not married (to each other or to anyone else). People in domestic partnerships sometimes enjoy the same government benefits as married couples such as Loan grants, social security, life insurance, etc.


Is a girlfriend a domestic partner

A girlfriend is not a domestic partner but she can become one if she is ready to share a common residence with her boyfriend. Because the number one requirement of domestic partnerships is that both individuals must share a common residence in other to enter a domestic partnership.

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Who is qualifies as a domestic partner

Anyone above 18 years is qualified to be a domestic partner as long as he or she meets the following requirements

1. Individuals should be 18 or older

2. Individuals must not be legally married to each other or any other person

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3. Individuals must have chosen to live together in a committed relationship and under a common residence.

Note this is based on the U.S domestic partnerships agreement.

Can you marry your domestic partner in California?

In California registered domestic partners are free to decide whether or not to get married to each other, those who do wish to get married must first go through the formal legal steps required to become couples in California, to make the marriage formal.


What are the benefits of a domestic partnership in California?

One of the benefits of domestic partnership in California is that partners are entitled to 12 weeks of leave under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) and also both partners are entitled to coverage under organized health insurance.

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Different Between Domestic Partnership And Marriage

1. Domestic partnerships provide you with limited benefits that married couples enjoy and receive from the government


Marriages give you access to all benefits and protections than a domestic partnership does.


2. Marriages are recognized and legal in all countries of the world


Domestic partnerships are only recognized in a few European nations


3. Domestic partners are not been regarded as “family” by law, although there are some workplaces and as such might not enjoy direct inheritance if something bad happens to their partner


Marriage gives couples automatically inherit upon death, and these assets are freely inherited without any taxes incurred.

Marriage Vs Domestic Partnership

Domestic Partnership Marriage

Domestic Partnership : Sharing retirement benefits can be complicated.

Marriage : Spousal retirement benefits are easier to access.

Domestic Partnership : You may not have access to your partner’s health insurance.

Marriage : You’ll have access to spousal health insurance.

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Domestic Partnership : They  are no special asset transfers.

Marriage : You have unlimited asset transfers in most states.

Domestic Partnership : You’ll avoid the “marriage tax” penalty.

Marriage : You’ll get a larger standard tax deduction and gift tax exemption.

Domestic Partnership : You may not have survivor benefits.

Marriage : You’ll have clear spousal death benefits.

Domestic Partnership : There’s no financial protection in separation.

Marriage : Divorce provides financial protection.

Domestic Partnership : Isn’t recognized in all Countries.

Marriage : Is recognized in all states.


Conclusion : 

Take note Domestic Partnership is not full-time Marriage, it is just a legal agreement between two people to stay in a common residence together and enjoy certain things couples enjoy. Domestic Partnership is an amazing alternative for marriage and also you can use it to test if your partner is mature enough for marriage.


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