13 years ago, pictures of a white pregnant woman identified as Nadya Suleman recently started trending on social media. According to the report we received, Nadya was once pregnant with eight children, and In 2009, Nadya successfully conceived her octuplets through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Before giving birth, she underwent a series of advanced IVF treatments which enabled her to give birth to the octuplets without serious complications.
Nadya’s octuplets have now grown up 13 years teenager see their photos below.
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Nadya’s stated that she gave her octuplets biblical names to thank God for the miracle see Nariyah kids’ names.
and Makai.
Nadya said when she went into labor, it took 46 special doctors and nurses to perform the C-section, since the octuplets were born, Nadya has been a single mom.
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