Mum, 38, gave birth to the first quintuplet(5 kids at once) in her country.

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Mum, 38, gave birth to the first quintuplet(5 kids at once) in her country.

The mother identified as  Oksana Kobeletska  who is 38-years and and her husband sergey has called out netizens as they rejoice over the birth of their kids.

The couple who’s identified as the first to give birth to quintuplets in their country has expressed their joy over this.

According to research, the pregnancy is said to be rare and occurs once in 50 million pregnancies.

she said:

” generally speaking, I didn’t believe it and never anticipated it…. I cant even imagine right now how its going to be, to raise so many kids at once.”


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with her husband and kids

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the amazing kids

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mum and her kids

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quintuplets and their elder sister

Reacting to this, the government came to their aid as they help in supporting them financially.

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