Signs he doesn’t want to marry you
Men can be so secretive to some point that if you are not patient enough, you can lose a lot. But most times, the patient is not really what you want but signs he wants you in his future or signs he doesn’t want to marry you.
It will be an error to waste three years, five, six, eight years of your life with a man who doesn’t even show you any sign of marriage.
To harden the whole thing, he now decided to put his ring on your finger just so to avoid you nagging at him you now then become Lord of the rings, carrying the engagement ring from one place to the other, chasing away men who come to you for marriage But at the end of eight years, things changed, and he starts showing you the real signs he doesn’t want to marry you.
But to avoid that from happening, you need to start reading the handwriting on the wall as soon as can because as a lady, growing is staged by stages. Stage to marry, birth bearing, and a time to cross over to menopause.
Therefore some signs that he doesn’t want to marry you are as followed;
1. Hidden Secrets: It takes trust for one to tell you his or her secret. Although, trust can’t be given 100% but at least 50% to someone that you truly love.
Trust has the power to sustain your relationship be it a short or long-distance relationship. A relationship that has trust issues hardly has the chance to see the daybreak.
When your man keeps secrets from you, it means he doesn’t trust you either just yet or he just doesn’t trust you.
Note: A man, who is seeking something serious with you, will not hide anything from you, because he knows very well that if the secret is later revealed by itself that he might lose you.
To avoid that, he ensures that he let you into his life, which means you know the good and the bad side of him.

2. Excuses: A man who wants to marry you will not be addicted to excuses knowing very well that it will hurt you, so try avoiding it.
Note: it doesn’t mean that if he gives you an excuse one day that it one of the signs he doesn’t want to marry you, but when the excuse is continuously and frequently that at times he repeats the same excuse twice without remembering that he once used that on you.
Don’t be with a flirt if you are a serious lady looking for a serious man because as flirts, it is in their nature to give excuses at all times.
And it takes a lot more to change someone who was once a flirt or who is a flirt. It is better to avoid such men who are full of excuses.
3. No Introduction: A man who is not sure of you, will not allow you to come to his house when his sister or any of his siblings is around.
As a lady for four years, five, six, eight years you are still in a secret relationship not wanting your parents or friends to know about it, you are still on the boyfriend, girlfriend level without upgrading and you are still okay with it saying “He loves me”.
My dear, are you for real??? No, rethink well, at four years; the relationship should be looking at the future not still at boyfriend and girlfriend level. It should be my fiancee and fiance.
I guess we are communicating. This is not desperation; it is your right as a woman to know your stand in his life. If he refuses to tell you, don’t force him it simply means that he is confused and not sure of you yet.

4. He clubs: it is very hard to find a guy who wants to marry you anytime soon in a clubhouse. If he doesn’t invite you along as his plus one, it means that something is up.
Many guys who club do because they haven’t made any commitment yet. Apart from all the music and fun you see in a club, it is also a place to relieve tension. So if your man cannot be with you at night but instead in the clubhouse, it is also, signs he doesn’t want to marry you maybe anytime soon.
5. Plans: it takes a man who sees his future with you to tell you his plans and also turn to seek your suggestion on certain issues to fix.
You don’t have to be married to a man first before you start knowing the plans he prepared for you and your children, the plans come before “Yes, I do”.
There are something’s that you hear after the wedding, that shock you into your narrow that if you knew about it before you married him, you couldn’t have accepted to marry him or you could have solved it then.
So plans are one of the first signs a man will show to you if only he wants to marry you now or anytime soon in the future.
So flee if he thinks that you as a woman that you are not qualified or that you have no right to know about what plans he has for both your future, your children’s future, and his future as well.
6. Your pictures: Most times pictures have a way of bringing people close to each other who have been apart from each other for a while. Example in a long distances relationship.
A man who loves you shouldn’t lack your picture on his phone, except he wants to keep it a secret or because you don’t have such a place in his heart for him to give such space on his mobile phone or laptop.
7. Mistresses: if a man mistakenly tells you that a lady is his mistress it is likely that he also told the other lady that you are his side chick too.
“Signs he doesn’t want to marry you clearly states that any man who doesn’t care or think about your feelings or emotion before speaking or acting js not qualify to be your man”.
Before a man drops all side chick and gets attached to just you, simply means that he wants to get serious. And serious with you??
Of course serious with you, so don’t blow it up by pushing him outside while he is trying to come inside.

8. Arrogance: it takes a man who wants to marry you to drop his arrogance on the ground to say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you”. Pride is something that only men who know what they want can let go of just to avoid losing you.
If your man is too proud and arrogant to say please, even when you threaten to walk out of the relationship then that’s signs he doesn’t want to marry you. Neither is he even ready for a commitment with you.
9. He doesn’t care: have you ever gone out with your guy before to an event by reaching there he keeps on admiring other ladies and taking selfies with them minding how you feel or introducing you to them as his plus one?
well, it can be so frustrating, a man who is not ready for commitment, will not care about whatever you feel about his social life or circle as long as he is happy and okay with it. what you think means nothing to him.

10. Bachelor lifestyle: Being with someone is like saying it’s a process in life in which you start learning how to take care of responsibilities, which means that one man’s lifestyle should be far from you or your man.
There are still so many signs he doesn’t want to marry you but we will talk about more next time.
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