We live in peace: Lady who married 2 men and shares the same bed with them says

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Meet Duru Francine Jisele a Congolese woman who is presently married to two men (polyandry Marriage) which is not well accepted in Africa.


In an international broadcast interview, Jisele tells how she landed her self in such situations.

According to her, she got married to Murula her first husband six years ago and their both gave birth to two children, but after some years, Murula left the state in search for greener pastures and cut communication with her, while explaining her part of the story in her words she said images 16


 “Just because life was not easy, the man went on a trip and never came back. I found myself alone out here, I spent three years and half in a single life without my husband


 I lost him I fell in love with this other man. After one year with the second husband, the first one came back,”


she then revealed that Jarlace her second husband never expected her Murula to return back after being away for so many years. While Jarlace was explaining himself, he said


 “I met this woman when I was working in the mining industry and she told me that she had another husband and how that man left her saying that he was going to find a life,


 I felt I had no choice because we were already together since I had lived with her not knowing she had another man,” 


he then added that after one year of staying with Jisele l, Murula came back and fought him to take Jisele back but he stood in his ground and now they are currently friends as they both explianed that they love each other and they are now getting along well.


According to them they said


We eat at the same table, sleep in the same bedroom and on the same bed. I love them both. We live at peace at home,


While they were asked how they managed their intimacy with their wife, they explianed that When it comes to intimate moments, one of them leaves the other to enjoy. The woman is the one who identifies the father of the children.


Murula the first husband finally concluded his own interview as he stated that


My family knows my situation and adviced me to calm down because I abandoned my wife,” said Murula. Jisele says it’s hard for her; she wishes each man had a home and she would go to them. She doesn’t want the three of them to keep meeting in the same bedroom at the same time. 


Jarlace they second husband on the other side stated that


“I want to leave and give space to the woman’s ‘hubby as he is her known hubby. If I could get help of a ticket I would leave and let my fellow hubby stay at his house. The woman wouldn’t accept me to move away,” said Jarlace. “I am not happy to see us two men sharing the woman; the land and the home are mine and the woman is mine,” he added. As them moment, Muriula said the three will live together until one of them gets tired and leaves. 

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