What Does A Man Want In A Relationship
As a woman who is expecting a perfect man as a life partner or who is trying to change her partner to who she wants. You need to ask yourself what does a man want in a relationship. Or has it never crossed your mind that men are human also and that means they have needs too? Men are not sticks, they have feelings and emotions don’t be deceive when they act strong. There are things men want but don’t ask for it not because they don’t know how to ask but because they don’t want to be tagged “Too demanding”.
Every man has things they want is just that they are few of them that can open up and ask their partner for it. Although your partner did not ask for anything does not mean that you shouldn’t read the signs or give meaning to all the signs he is giving you.
A man may not ask for anything to avoid looking soft or being ridiculed and as a good partner who you are, that is where you need to work with your brain. No matter how a man wants to hide what he wants, his body language will always give him up.
As a woman, you must understand your man’s body language and if you know nothing about it, then start reading on the internet about body language because you will need it to use and understand things men want but don’t ask for it.
Therefore, after all, being said, what does a man want in a relationship that most times they don’t open up?
1 To be loved: There is no place that is written that it is only a woman that needs love so with that, love your partner as you expect him to love you in return.
For a man to love you wholeheartedly, you need to show him that you value him and that you are ready to stand by him and make this relationship work no matter what it takes.
2 Respect: Have you ever been with your partner before and a male colleague of yours walks up to you guys and then tries taking away your attention and your man starts making some silent comments or uncomfortable movements in his sit? This is not done because he doesn’t trust you but it is because he is feeling that the man is trying to divide your attention from him and that is not cool.
So if you are a lady and you allow the colleague to succeed without acknowledging your man, you are indirectly disrespecting him and also disvalue him and his time.
You may be wondering then what do I do if such occur? Well, it is normal that things like this will always happen, it is left for you to be well prepared ahead of time. don’t feel bad if such an attitude occurs because it can only be a man who loves you that will do this. but then, how do you know that he loves you if he is not saying it out loud? to get an answer to this check 10 SIGNS HE LOVES YOU MORE DEEPLY THAN YOU EVER KNOW
Introduce your man to the male colleague using a sweet name and not “this is my friend”. Introduce him as if he means a lot to you and you are proud to be with him. This will help boost his ego up. At least you are proud of him in the presence of your male colleagues and that means those guys have no chance.
3 Accommodation: Accommodation does not only mean shelter. For you to have a peaceful relationship, means you are accommodating. There are ladies that if a man comes closer, they can tear the men apart with this, and the men will run from them.
Do you think that men don’t have what to talk about that it is only ladies that do talk or gossip with friends? Of course not. men do too. The only reason it looks like they are secretive to their ladies is that they don’t see themselves as best friends but partners. So to be accommodating, you have to be his best friend.
Don’t expect your man to be at home with you almost all the time if you are not ready to be his best friend. Because one day, he will be tired of staying.
4 Supporter: When a man wants a supporter, it does not only have to be financial support. As a lady, you can support your man by advising him, doing research for him if he is disturbed by something relating to work or himself.
Support your man by being his motivational and inspirational speaker. This will show him that you believe in him and will make him try to do better than yesterday just to be a better man for you. this is an act of an ideal man every woman that needs love want.
5 Acceptance: one wrong move you can ever make and it will be hard for your partner to forgive easily is comparing him to your ex or your high school crush.
Every man wants a woman who will accept them just as they accept her too. No one is perfect and the earlier you remember this, the better. Make him feel like he is a man.
6 Compliment: this is one mistake many ladies make. Your partner will get you good stuff and you use them and they will still hang around to compliment it and they will smile and say “thank you, babe”. Okay now that you are done with yours, have you also turned around and looked at his dressing or haircut for that day and compliment him on how good-looking he is?
Even men need that appreciation and compliment that they render to you. You may not compliment them at the same time they compliment you if they are not also dressed or nothing much. But if you two are going out, most times don’t wait for him to make the first move on the compliment. You can just start.
Appreciate your partner at all times, this is a sign that you are noticing them or the changes they are secretly applying to themselves just to get your attention.
7 Have fun: you don’t have to be too serious at all times. In life, you need fun and laughter to live longer. When you are 24/7 serious, it will only take patience for your partner to still hang around.
Men like women that are fun and social and who can make jokes and laugh with them. Feel free around your man and create that friendship and trust bond.
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