What Is The First Love Marriage In The World, In the early days, people don’t marry for love most people get married through the arranged marriage system. but two individuals stand out and refuse the arranged marriage system regardless of the pressure placed on them they tried their best and through their endless fight, they became the first couples in the world to marry for love. Before Talking about the first love marriage in the first marriage in the world let us first of all look at the meaning of love marriage
What Is Love Marriage?
love marriage is a marriage between two individuals who got married at their own will, based on mutual love, affection, and commitment. In a love marriage, both partners accept the fact that they are both in love with each other, and both of them agree to get married to each other. Unlike arranged marriage where individuals don’t have their choice of marriage, they get married based on their parent’s arrangements.
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What Is The Benefits Of Love Marriage?
1. Better understanding :
In love marriage, there is a better understanding between both partners because they are already used to each other behavior before getting married.
2. You know your spouse well :
In a love marriage, both spouses know themselves very well some even dated for more than one year before getting married.
3. Promotes happiness :
Getting married to your lover is one of the greatest happiness for everyone, love marriage help increase happiness in a couple’s life
4. Self-satisfaction :
Love marriage gives you a kind of satisfaction that you have made the right relationship choice, unlike Arranged marriage where u don’t have a say on your own.
How can I have a love marriage?
If you looking forward to having a love marriage then the only thing you need to do is to find someone you love and get married to him or her lastly don’t allow your parents or anybody to arrange a partner for you if you truly want a love marriage.
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What Is the First Love Marriage In The World
The first love marriage in the world is the union of Lord Shiva and Parvati. They loved each other. Some days they were sad and some days they were happy. But their love story was not the most romantic film ever made. the marriage of Lord Shiva and parvati was the first love marriage in the world to the extent that when Lord Shiva’s wife died out of pain Shiva got mad and he did a lot of penance because his wife died
When was the first ever marriage?
According to research, it has it to say that the first marriage is around 4,350 years old and the first recorded marriage was in 2350 B.C. but to us, the first marriage was the marriage of Adam and Eve.
Is love marriage or arranged marriage better?
Different people have their preferences and chose love marriage while some people chose arranged marriage because they believe that their parents know what is good for them so they allow their parents to make marriage decisions on their behalf.
Love marriage vs Arranged marriage
Love marriage is way more different from Arranged marriage Although many people from the western work believe in love marriage while people from the Asia region believe more in arranged marriage some of the difference between the two is that
1. Love marriage individuals are allowed to choose their partners while in Arranged marriage parents or close family members do the chosing
2. In a Love marriage both couples are already used to each other even before marriage while in Arranged marriage couples might not even know each other until their wedding day.
3. In a Love marriage couples accept any failure fault while in Arranged marriage couples put all failure faults on the heads of their parents or on those who arranged the marriage for them.
Conclusion :
The first love marriage was that of Lord Shiva and Parvati and from then till now love marriage has taken over the space of arranged marriage and in our present generation it might become difficult to see an arrange within the western and eastern regions of the world if you want to get married without unnecessary regrets we will advise you to avoid any form of arranged marriage and go for love marriage.
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