Controversial Nollywood Actor Uche Maduagwu has taken to his Instagram handle to drag his colleague, Nkechi Blessing as she expressed her to become the 7th wife of Ooni of ife.
The Monarch is currently married to Six wives and is still ready to marry more beautiful women has been hailed for his great taste in the female gender.
Afterhis 6th wedding which took place a few days ago, Nollywood Actress, Nkechi Blessing expressed her desire to be his 7th wife but when her colleague Uche Maduagwu saw her post, he was so angered that he took to his personal page to issue an att*cking message to Nkechi Blessing.
Resharing the photoshopped image of Nkechi kneeling beside the Ooni, Uche stated that the Ooni is looking for an Olori and not a radio without battery.
See his post
As he shared this on social media, social media users rushed to his comments section to share their reactions to the post
See social media users’ reactions to his post
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