Signs that he loves you
There are a lot of men that do have issues when it comes to telling a woman they crush on that he loves you but even with that shyness and timidity, one thing they can not hide is the love signs that he loves you.
If you happen to chat and fall in love with many guys, it will help you to easily differentiate who is around you because they love you and who is around you just for friendship or because of what you can offer.
A man who is truly in love with you will not be able to avoid those signs that he loves you because he is expecting that one day you will realize how much he loves and care about you that one day you may also fall in love with him just as he is with you.
So if you have not been noticing that guy that is trying all he can in his power to make you happy just because he loves you, then you need to start by looking out.
And also when you are crushing on someone and you don’t know if he will accept you if you make a move can sometimes be so frustrating, but the worst thing is for you crushing on someone who is in love with you without you knowing just because you couldn’t read the signs
—-What are the signs that he loves you—-
1. He frequently checks upon you: For a man to be checking up on you on daily basis either physical checking up or on phone does not signify that he is jobless.
It takes only a man who loves you to be doing that, meaning that he is also trying to make you his priority even without you knowing it.

2. Your opinion matters: In many African countries, women don’t have the right to speak when a man is talking and makes them remain superior only in the kitchen. But it takes a man who is in love with you to come to you for your opinion on things that’s to him.
Sometimes he doesn’t come to seek your idea because he had nothing, but at times it is because that’s the one or the only means of sitting or coming very close to you.
Note: Most guys do pretend to concentrate when they come around but not all, at least not 65% of them can. So look out for some signs that he loves you;
i. He looks at your lips, how you speak.
ii. He swallows saliva so hard that at times you can even hear the sound of It.
iii. He smiles at you.
iv. Sometimes he looks lost or freeze when he sees you.
v. He stares at you from your head down to your feet (he checks you out), etc

3. He frequently compliments you: both on your looks and personality. Many men including the flirt compliment ladies but it is only a man who loves you and knows your worth that will compliment your personality.
Your personality speaks a lot about you, it’s your personality that determines how people will treat you.
4. He is always available when you need a shoulder to cry on: It takes someone who loves and cares for you so deeply to standby you when you are in distress.
When you get hurt by another guy, he is available to make you feel okay again, he just wants to see you happy.
5. He responds quickly to anything that has to do with you: He is not a servant or less than a man in the eyes of ladies, it is all because is you that he wants to please not other ladies.
So if he always makes himself available for you like your boy, don’t treat him as one because one day he might take the advice of his friends and let you be on your own. And that time may be too late for you to get him back.
6. He asks about your plans for the future: your dreams or vision is no man’s business except he loves you. It takes love for him to worry about his plans and also get concerned about yours as well.

7. He enjoys a long chat with you: A long chat can only exist between two people if only they enjoy each other’s company. And is not easy for a guy to chat with a lady for a long time if he doesn’t feel something for him.
Likewise, ladies, if a lady doesn’t like you, chatting with you even for ten minutes is hard for her. She feels like you are disturbing her, that she will take her time before even reading nor responding to your message after reading it.
So if you are a man, Note this; It takes a woman who admires or has a crush on you to give you full attention or 70% of her attention to you over a chat.
How do you know that you have her attention over a chat? how to have her attention
i. She is quick in responding
ii. She reciprocal on anything you ask her. Example (how her day went)
iii. She sends a smiling emoji along when you say something funny to her. That emoji is to notify you how and what she is doing with her face at that particular moment you write to her.
iv. By telling you where she is living not just by telling you the state or Local Government she stays but instead she tells you the exact street at times, address.
signs that he loves you continues;
8. He smiles at you at every eye contact: another way of telling someone that you admire them is by a smile. If someone does not feel anything about you or have you in mind, no matter how you stare at them or they stare at you, they won’t smile instead they will just look away immediately the eye contact is notified.
So it takes a man who has you in his thought to keep looking and be smiling not mind if you have observed his actions.

9. He gets jealous when seeing another man around you: It is not only ladies that can be jealous when it comes to love, men do too.
The only difference between a man’s jealousy and a woman own is that most men can act not to care, then pretend and overlook. But ladies don’t.
Our actions alone will you have a man that we are jealous of what just occur right there.
If you want to know a jealous man is this;
i. He is muddy during the conversation
ii. He may decide to excuse himself.
iii. He will be so attached to his phone just to be able to control his emotions as a man.
10. He fights beside you: when you are going through a hard time, when you feel like the world is about to swallow you when it looks like everyone has turned against you when you feel like your life has come to an end, he stood and held your hands saying “everything will be already” after saying that, he hangs around more often than the usual, he ensures that you don’t wear long or sad face.
He becomes your adviser, your big brother, your father, your mentor, your angel, your caretaker, etc. quality of a man
Please after all this, what else do you want him to do so that you will realize the signs that he loves you.
Men who do all this just for friendship, are few. The more you get attached to someone, the more you begin to like them.
So please help the innocent guy with his shyness of talking to a lady about his feelings by reciprocating the love, if you have a crush on him too.
You don’t have to go to him to tell him you love him too, but you can start by also showing signs that you care about him too, starting by asking him more about his plans, or anything concerning him.
learning from the signs that he loves you, you can also start doing things that will also shows him that you are having interest in him too.
Good luck.
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