Can family ruin a relationship? The answer to this question is yes, Successful relationships naturally are tough enough to achieve on your own there are certain factors that influence the success or downfall of a relationship, and family happens to be one of the major factors that can influence a relationship either positively (build) or negatively (destroy)
Family can be very helpful in a relationship most relationship which was almost on the verge of destruction has been rebuilt, arranged, and managed by some family while some relationship that was doing fine has also been destroyed by families
You can now see that family has a significant role in the success or downfall of a relationship
NB, If you think your family is trying to ruin your relationship that means you are giving them a helping hand to do so either directly or indirectly because our families know nothing about our relationship or partner except what we tell them.
How Can Family Ruin A Relationship
Before sharing some points with you on how family can ruin a relationship we would like to share an exemplary story that will give you a clearer picture of how family can ruin a relationship
Mohammed and Rita were course mate who later fell in love with each other and they both begin a very serious relationship but Mohammed happens to come from an Islamic background while Rita is from a Christian background, both Mohammed and Rita accept and love each other despite their religious differences, Afterschool Mohammed and Rita finally decided to get married since they both love each other, and Muhammad introduced Rita to his family and Rita also introduced Muhammadu to her family. A few months before their wedding Mohammed’s family was trying to force Rita to become a Muslim while Rita’s family was also trying to force Mohammed into Christianity Mohammed became angry and felt that Rita’s parents were trying to insult his religion so he called off the wedding broke up with Rita
How Can Family Ruin relationship?
1. When they’re too intrusive :
Family can actually ruin a relationship when they become too intrusive in their children’s relationship a major way that families can become too intrusive in their children’s relationship is by crossing certain boundaries and interfering in issues that shouldn’t border them.
2. Forcing family culture/religion on your partner :
Families can ruin their children’s relationship when they begin to force their family culture/religion on their children’s partner especially when their children’s partner is from a different cultural/religious background from theirs, from our exemplary story Mohammed and Rita were enjoying their relationship before their parents decided to force religion to their relationship, and it ended up destroying Mohammed and Rita relationship
3. When they try to make decisions for you :
When your family tries to make a certain decision for you and your relationship your partner might feel insulted or less important, and since he or she does not have a say in the relationship they might decide to call a quiet and gain the freedom they want
4. When they Bad-mouth your partner :
Family can actually ruin a relationship when they start bad-mouthing your partner, and when this happens your partner might feel insulted and leave the relationship.
5. When they don’t want to share with you :
This usually happens when your family has become too used to your present this is because they are used to having you there for every birthday or holiday celebration — and when you finally get married they might be frequently asking for your present which will make you have little time to spend with your spouse. And if your spouse is an inpatient person this might lead to a breakup
Knowing the ways families can ruin a relationship is another thing to know how to prevent a family from ruining our relationship the following are some steps on how to prevent a family from ruining our relationship
How To Prevent Your Family From Ruining Your Relationship
1. If your family is too intrusive :
Solution – If your family becomes too intrusive in your relationship the int thing you can do is to give them a little distance from you with this ac Mr they will understand that you don’t want them intruding in your relationship. They might mind their business and let you be
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2. When they Bad-mouth your partner :
Solution – If you’re constantly bad-mouthing your partner you should ask them to stop cause it affects your relationship if they persist in their actions you can probably stop calling or visiting them for a while if you do this they will understand that you are not happy with what they are saying about your partner but is they are hard, you can simply through this English quote to them “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say anything at all”
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3. When they try to make decisions for you :
Solution – You should try to avoid telling your family some secrets about your relationship as much as possible. And when any issue comes up you and your partner should try to fix the issue amicably without any family member making decisions for you
4. Forcing family culture/religion on your partner :
Solution – As long as you are in love with your partner you should never allow your family to force their religion or culture to believe in your partner
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5. When they don’t want to share with you :
Solution – Remember that your spouse should be your first priority over your family especially when you both are married, since your spouse is your first priority make sure you give him/her the full attention they need and you should only attend to your family holiday or celebration trip if your partner gives you his or her entire decision
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In your relationship and marriage, you should try your possible best to stop your family from intruding in your relationship or from making certain important decisions for your relationship you should not only stop your family from intruding in your relationship you should also stop all third parties form intruding in your relationship issue. This is because if people frequently intrude in your relationship some people might give you wrong advice which might lead your relationship to ruin.
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