perfect time

If you are waiting for the perfect time to start something, then you may never start anything. 


Don’t always wait for it to be perfect before you begin something. 

Perfection is something we should aspire to achieve but one must adapt progressive perfectionism rather than conservative perfectionism. Been a perfectionist could help you but it can also kill your dream and ultimately delay your progress. 


If you put off what you can do now because you want to have it all figured out, you may never do it at all. 


There is always no perfect time to start something because things will never align the way you plan them to be.  

If you are waiting for the Perfect Time, 

  • Waiting for the perfect time, an entire lifetime will pass you by while waiting for the perfect time. Life is short and time is precious; time waits for no one remembers?


  • Waiting for the perfect time, other things will get in the way: when you are waiting for the perfect time, other things tend to come in and somehow you forget about your real plan. 


Consider this: what if you have started earlier and those other things coming in you incorporate them into what you have started, won’t they be better?


  • Waiting for the perfect time, what if it never comes? Every day has its share of uniqueness. Opportunities come every day and all will pass you by while waiting for the perfect time.


  • Waiting for the perfect time, you are not learning anything: when you are inactive, you are not gaining any knowledge nor skills nor new experience. This is why you’ve got to make the most of each day to be prepared for the future.


  • Waiting for the perfect time, you may regret it: would you want to look back on your life and think ‘if only I started it…’ remember that we can’t change what has happened to us but we can change how we react afterward.



Starting Now, you’ll have quite outstanding results and a more fulfilled life: Taking action is always better than doing nothing any day any time. Even in failure, you are learning, you are gaining experience which would help in the future, you are enjoying life and at the same time, you are growing.


LovingPerfect time

When you value yourself, you value time, and for this reason, you make the most of it.


It’s better to start with the little you know and perfect it as you progress. This is one of the secrets of the Chinese. 


They don’t wait for perfection, they release what they produced to the Global market, and continue improving on the same product along the line. 

READ ALSO: When Life Knocks You Down

So, you have a business in mind you want to start, a program you want to embark on, a journey to begin, etc. 


Start now because now is a perfect time. Be courageous! Debunk excuses, put away fear, have self-confidence, and just go and START NOW!!!

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