1. What Does Relationship Mean:
What Does Relationship really mean: People have different meanings and different understandings of relationships based on their views. However, a relationship generally, is a process where two people come together to connect and communicate with each other, to share their rights, and responsibilities.
An intimate relationship includes love, intimacy, commitment, companionship, Understanding, closeness, etc.
2. Tips for a successful relationship
The following tips below may be able to help you improve your relationship. (Tips for a successful relationship)

communication –
• Communication: In a relationship, a connection is a gate but communication is the key to that gate. You need the key (communication) to have access to the gate (connection).
waiting for your partner to try to guess what is going on with you is like waiting for rainfall in a dry season.
• Meekness: Many people are just so temperamental to the extent of putting their relationship at risk. If you have anything to say, do it with coordination, think before you act not act before you think.
• Attention– Giving each other attention, a listening ear is one of the ways to bridge the gap not busy defending ourselves, trying to make our point valid at all times instead of creating room for other opinions to count.
Create an awareness that shows that you gave him/her your attention before you make your point. Using a minute to think before you respond may be of good help.
• Speak positively: the manner and approach in which you speak about your partner and your relationship has the power to sustain and the power to scatter your relationship. So speak wisely if you value your relationship.
• Learn to say I’m sorry: most people in their nature find it very difficult to use the word I’m sorry not because they are cocky but because they don’t know the value of the word.
If your attempt to set something right turns out the opposite of what you expected, try fixing it immediately don’t wait until it’s out of your control.
• Togetherness: make your relationship a priority and make time for each other. Togetherness helps in generating a stronger bond between you and your partner and it helps to straighten the mind and also set it in the right direction.
• Appreciation: It is said “you don’t know what you have until you lose it” so appreciate your partner at all times, his/her effort should not be ignored nor go to waste. Show that you are proud to have them in your life.
• Make plans: Nothing wipes a woman off her feet like involving her in your plans be it plans for the future or a day plan. It shows her where she belongs in your heart even without her confronting you to know her place in your life.
Set goals for your relationship and plan for your future together. This shows that you are taking your spouse and your relationship seriously.
• Be supportive: criticism is the gateway to failure. Being supportive doesn’t not only shows you care, it also shows that you wish them well.
• Prayers: Prayer is the key to everything, you can’t do it on your own so you need God to step in for you.

Photo by Naassom Azevedo on Unsplash
• Arguments: accept that arguments will come, but the way you handle it when it occurs matters. Contempt is the strongest predictor of divorce, which is an action whereby your partner feels ‘put down by you, whether it is by the tone of your voice or whatsoever.
In arguments, whatever we say can bring a home together and harm the relationship which most times results in divorce.

Photo by Mike Lloyd
• Learn to compromise: compromising in a relationship shouldn’t come as a surprise to you at any time especially if it has to do with your family and is with a positive vibe.
In a relationship two imperfect people adjusting to fit into each other’s life then compromises are needed to make it work.
—– tips for a successful relationship
• Be sexually Active: being sexually active to your partner is a sign that you want them too, be passionate, affectionate in your way of doing things (a random warm hugging and a short passionate kiss is something)
It’s true that individually, we all have different sex drives and to sustain a happy sex life and a healthy home, it requires negotiation and agreement.
A physical disconnection between two partners is a red light that indicates danger in the relationship.
How to keep your relationship strong and healthy:
Having a successful relationship is one thing and maintaining it is another thing, and for you to maintain it, you got to put in all that you got.
You can maintain it by trying to be aware of whatever is happening around your partner in and out and also within your relationship.
Never assume to know everything because as we grow every day, we realize things that we never knew, then amendment takes place. Likewise, people changing.
Stay curious, it is really important to stay up to date about your partner and your relationship. Friendship is the basic key for staying up to date.
So create good friendships in your relationship as possible as you can.
Signs Of A Dying Relationship:
Every relationship has the power to survive and the power not to, is left for the couple to play their part well.
Lack of communication, lack of trust, lack of togetherness, lack of intimacy, lack of respect and submission, Always at the neck of each other 24/7 (No agreement) Lack of appreciation, Doubt, etc.
How to solve your relationship problems:
Before you can solve any problem in life, you will have to, first of all, identify what the problem is.
After identifying the problem, if you don’t know the way forward especially if is that complicated that you can’t sort it out with your partner because of one thing or the other, seeking help from a counselor can be a good step to problem-solving.
Putting your knees down in prayers can be your starting point. Remember, communication is the key tips for a successful relationship.
Therefore, if you are ready for a serious relationship, then what tips for a successful relationship are you using? If none then you have to follow these tips for a successful relationship.
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