Generally, the importance of communication in a relationship cannot just be underestimated as it is considered pivotal in every relationship and union most especially in the time of Cristo as it helps in calming the nerves of the partner. But even at that, there might still be some reasons why and when your boyfriend ignores you.
Literally, there are still some deficiencies present in literally every relationship in regards to communication not being considered pivotal in the union any longer bringing about neglect to their companionship which would ultimately lead to the despair and frustration of one or both of the Partners.
A few seconds of neglect would lead to a few minutes of it, a few mins would lead to a few hours, a few hours to a few days, a Few days would head to a few weeks and it continues in such manner following such subsequent trends. Should the neglect now become a deliberate act of your boyfriend, then there’s a cause for you to worry about as that relationship of yours might just be heading to its abrupt end?
You might be wondering if something is actually fishy or generally you just don’t seem to be getting things right. Well, whatever guess you might have thought about deep in your mind might just be true Afterall. Below in this article have been outlined some seemingly right reasons why your boyfriend might have chosen to ignore you in the very first instance.
Your boyfriend in question might be hundreds of thoughts going through his mind lately part of which is considering breaking up with you in the relationship. Funnily enough, that action of his never happened overnight as they might have been some factors present propelling him to make such decisions of his to your own detriment.
Though thousands of factors might be present behind such a decision of his, one way or the other such factors would still be traced to the fact that he now has reduced interest in you.
This definitely should look like a bitter pill to swallow, but it still stands to remain the truth as such a harsh decision can’t just be made and concluded as well without him already having a reduced interest and feeling for you.
Obviously, on the part of your boyfriend, he might just be scared of opening up with you about such latest developments as he could be scared of hurting you or putting you through emotional trauma. The reason why he might not have opened up with you yet.
Another unlikely reason you might not have thought about is that your boyfriend in question needs space reason why he might be ignoring you in the very first instance.
The various challenges of life or problems revolving around him, his family, friends, or close pals might be weighing on him and he might be finding it quite hard on himself for not possessing the required resources to tackle such challenges as that.
In times like this, he might have to distance himself from you a bit, worry not as this is just a phase-in time.
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If you have placed yourself in the position of always being on the received end of every goodie that comes across the relationship, you need to be mindful of such attitudes of yours as there’s a possibility that it might come back to haunt your relationship in the long run.
A relationship is meant to be a give and take a situation that should be on an equal scale, but if you actually find yourself making most of the demands, just be fully aware of the fact that it is a red flag for your boyfriend as he actually might have been shouldering some issues you aren’t aware of.
The guy in question who happens to be your boyfriend might be contemplating and having seconds thoughts regarding the relationship. In a case scenario, the guy in question might have a project he is hoping to secure or a career he is pursuing after
Once you can visibility see these factors coming to place in your relationship, it is required of you to show your utmost commitments to your boyfriend affirming him of your commitment to be with him Always on an adventure of his he would be embarking on.
A silly action of yours done in your right state of mind might not have gone down well with your boyfriend unknowingly to you. And this is where the genuine means of communicating with one another comes into play.
If you could do your possible best of figuring out where the altercation came from in the very first instance, then you should be humble enough to seek forgiveness in the hands of your partner to calm his nerve down on whatever offense of yours that.t might be troubling him.
The moment the guy you call your boyfriend starts having an external affair with another lady or his giving is the care and attention to someone else, definitely him ignoring you from that moment henceforth is bound to happen.
Though you aren’t expected to jump to a conclusion to conclude on his behalf, even at that, the moments your boyfriend starts exhibiting some strange behavior and attitudes one which you’ve never come across in all the time you’ve been in the relationship, then there’s a need to be worried about that.
Such exhibited behaviors could come in the form of hanging out with other women all the way to acting as if your page’s existence doesn’t concern him a bit.
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Even as awful as this might sound, Jealousy tends to constitute most of the relationships in today’s present World. Funnily enough, the feeling of Insecurity tends to be the major reason behind your boyfriend being jealous.
Perhaps he might have considered you as his girlfriend too worthy to be with him bringing in him that unprovoked feeling that someone somewhere else might be trying to lure your attention away from his.
Men tend to be scared when you aren’t reciprocating back to them exactly the same energy they’re bringing into the relationship as that might instill in them that feeling that he isn’t getting things right.
Another reason could be the experience of his past relationship, either he was cheated upon or rejected for a reason or two, and such factors that contributed to the failure of his past relationships are now present in this current relationship.
There might be a thousand reasons why your boyfriend has chosen to remain mute with you in a relationship. But just as we had aforementioned earlier, the only major reason why he might be forced of putting such attitudes of his up against you should be that he is scared of hurting you both emotionally and mentally with the words of his mouth, so he would rather stick to the more beneficial option which is keeping mute.
Generally, your boyfriend neglecting you is a phase every lady out there might experience in their relationship one way or the other. As there might be some factors behind that act of neglect of his which we’ve already mentioned a few above.
It is deemed okay if you as a lady can be analytical enough to come up with some solutions that can help tackle those factors contributing to his acts of neglect towards you. But if it happens to be the other way around, it ain’t okay.
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