Important qualities of a good husband that makes him a real man (men)
Qualities of a good husband is not always seen in all men because
any male child that is grown can be a man but it takes a self-
discipline, matured not only by age, self- confident and a positive
attitude male child to be a real man.
Therefore, the qualities of a good man is not frequently nor easily found.
Most men do believe that with their constantly kind of whatever
lifestyle that women will just fall in love with them but that’s not
it. Your “whatever kind of lifestyle”, only shows that you are “a
man alone “that cares about nothing but himself alone
Qualities of a good man is as follows:

Personality: A good man is passionate about everything he
does, his Sense of humor is unquestionable, he is intelligent, he is
known for his generosity. a good man is less talk and more
He’s confident: there is a different between someone being
cocky and having self-confidence. He presents himself in a way
that his good image speaks for him anyway he enters.
He listens: It is obvious that men speak and the women do the
listening. But a real man knows when to speak and when to
listen. Listening doesn’t hurt but it gives room for understanding
to set in between two or more people.
He tries becoming a better man: It is true that it is better to
overcome one own self than competing with anyone. A real man
knows that his greatest challenger is his past life then he works
hard to fight and conquer to become better.
He is faithful and truthful: it is true that men are polygamous
in nature, but a real man believes that he can make the nature
not to have effect in his life there by meaning whatever he says.
He is faithful and truthful in his relationships with people and his
He is supportive: A good man shows concern and support
toward his love ones.
He is a role model: If you are a man and a mother has come to
you before and say check my son for me okay? Be my son’s
friend? Give him advice for me okay? Etc then know that you are
a good man. Lol. A good man creates good influence on people.
He is family oriented: His family comes first in whatever he
does including dealing with money. A family oriented man will
know he has family to feed, clothes and bills to pay, he then
makes decisions and budget for himself. Thereby being careful
the way he spends.
He is well mannered: his actions and decisions are made with
consideration. He thinks before acting.
He is not a title man: He is not after title (I am the head of the
family) instead he is longing for a way to create a good family
He is a builder: he tries building his home by bringing everyone
together and creating a tie bond not someone who brings in a
strange woman with a strange spirit into his home to contaminate
and pollute his home.
He accepts his fault: a good man is not a man who is perfect
but a man who accepts his wrongs and try amending them not by
claiming to be right but by learning to say I’m sorry please
forgive me.
He’s a team player: he understands that being the head of a
family is like being a captain in a football field, ship. And for the
team to win, team work is not a must by it is necessary whereby
caring more about the team winning is more important than his
He is a man of vision: he sees beyond what the normal eyes
can see. He leads with the realization that his actions today will
affect his life and others in the future therefore he doesn’t judge
the future by comparing it with the now.
He is humble: Now days it is hard to see a man that his humble
even after making money. But a good man is not cocky, he allows
his meekness and people to tell his stories.

He is not a bully: A man who raises up his hands against a woman is less than a man. a good man knows that hitting a woman is wrong.
- Go for a man who is not a show off.
- Go for a man who is not perfect but he is ready to be the best guy for you.
- If you are not a club type, then look for a man who is not club addict.
- Go for a man who is not a flirt.
- A faithful man.
- A man who is not proud.
- A man who knows that life is not to be joke with so with that he won’t joke with your feelings.
- A man who knows that distance is just a physical stuff but love is in the heart.
- Someone you have something in common.
- someone who knows that love fates away but is only understanding and communication that keeps two persons together.
With these qualities of a good man, use it wisely, don’t lose your man for another woman.
SIGNS THAT HE LOVES YOU signs he wants you in his future
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