2021 Your Best Year Ever
2021 cannot be like 2020 that’s a sure thing I don’t know about you but that’s what I know.
Now let me ask “how was your 2019? And what about 2020?? Well, I guess your answers will all be different because 2019 and 2020 cannot be the same because the things you did and experience in 2020 weren’t the same as in 2019.
2020 came with a lot of trials which affected many of us and also resulted in us losing many of our dear ones in the process of trying to survive. Why was it like that?
I guess it is because no one saw 2020 coming in that form, it was to be a great year to remember for good but not what it later turned into.
2021 is here, how prepared are you? What plans do you make for 2021? Where do you want to be by 2021? What do you want to achieve before the end of 2021? Are you willing to take the step into your personal and financial growth? Or you don’t even have a plan?
2020 crisis hit worldwide that’s all countries but still, they are people who were not affected because they once established plans for their lives and also worked hard toward making it a manifestation in a way that even while on lock down, they were still able to stay at home and be making their incomes.
Does that means that they have they were created differently by God?? No. We were all created equal but with different grace which is now our duty to work hard to make the grace to start working for us.
You can’t dig where you did not sow therefore you should plan your life come 2021 to recover what you lost in 2020.
1. The 2020 Crisis: let 2020 experience be your inspiration to make it great in 2020 not as a sit back. Sometimes, the bad condition we finds ourselves in the process of living, does not happen because we deserve it neither does it come to break us.
Instead, it comes to remold us and also to remain us what we have on the inside of us which all we have to do is to embrace it and put it into action.
2. Look at the way forward but not the problem: looking at the solution to a problem will only help you sort it out in and on time. But looking at the problem will other be a distraction which brings stagnation to stop you from reaching where you are suppose to reach at that time.
If you chose looking at the problem, make sure that you are using 25% of your time to look not only at the problem but the source of the problem so as to avoid falling back at it then use 75% seeking for the solution (the way forward).
3. Avoid Comparison: sometimes, comparison can be used as a mean of motivation to strike to be better but using it as your means of inspiration, is a wrong move.
Comparison will only show you your failure if not that, it will only be showing you the people you are better than thereby making you to use that as a means of comforting yourself and stop trying to be better.
In this 2021, the only person you should strike to be better than should be yourself, the you of 2019 and 2020. This simply means the old you.
4. Set Date and Time for Each Plan: it is one thing to have a plan all written down in a note or in your head yet you don’t execute it.
Setting dates/months frame for every plans, will not only help you to achieve them but it will also serve as a daily reminder, telling you, ma/ sir, you still haven’t executed me yet o.
5. Surround Yourself with positive fellows: The friends or company you keep, people who has the capacity of poisoning your mindset and sense of reasoning.
Therefore gather yourself with good and positive people, people who can give you a positive vibe in other to push you forward to be like them or better than them not people who has nothing to contribute into your future.
6. Believe: having one or two or more set back in the journey of life does not mean that you were not born for greatness.
You were created for a greater purpose so don’t limit yourself to your past, push forward and let your eyes be on being better than your past.
7. Start Afresh: You can’t make it by sitting down waiting for who will come and jack you up. You got to rise up and strike even harder this time and let not your trial and errors decide for you.
8. Look for Inspiration: Inspiration is the key to fulfilling your plans this 2021. What I mean here is that, whatever you do or have in mind to do, make sure that it is something that gives joy and peace of mind. Don’t start something that under few weeks, months, or year, you give up because there is no inspiration in what you were doing.
So whatever you want to do in this 2021, ensure that your mind, spirit, soul and body accepts it before you start thinking of how to execute it.
9. Execute: writing down some plans in a book does not mean that it will rise up by itself and make it manifest in 2021. Therefore postponing your plans from one year to another will only cause a delay in your life and from the look of things, delay is just a coma but it has the power to keep you in one place forever if care or something is not done about it.
Therefore, make 2021 your very best and achieve if not many things, at least one thing, then if you derive joy from it, strike for more.
Nothing makes one happy like seeing joy and happiness in the faces of his or her dear ones therefore be better to get better respect from your peers and from your environment.

Happy New Year 2021 to everyone and good luck to you.