Am I In Love: 5 confusing signs you need to know

am i in love

Am I in Love signs you need to know

Most times it happens that we don’t know if we are truly in love thereby leaving us with the questions on our minds “Am I In Love? Yeah, this happens a lot especially when you don’t want to talk to someone about it.

There is a difference between being in love with someone and crushing on someone.

It is not all crush result in love. therefore asking yourself “am I in love” while you are only crushing on someone, is very common.

Therefore to answer that your question “am I in love”? I will, first of all, give you a simple difference between crushing on someone and being in love with someone.

First CRUSH: Crushing on someone can come in a way of admiration, it maybe from their dressing sense, their physical appearance, the way they speak, etc.

A crush does not last, in the sense that once another handsome or beautiful image comes along, your heart will be directed to the new person.

While “IN LOVE”: It does not have conditions. you can only love someone when you accept them just the way they are and not because of what you will benefit from or what they can do for you.

Now let me ask, Are you still wondering and asking yourself “AM I IN LOVE?

If you are, then let’s continue to the points that will help you answer that question AM I IN LOVE;

1 Lost in Thought: Loving someone can surely make one sit and be smiling even without having a chat with someone. Love has the power of making someone feel joy within.

2 You always want to look good: Looking good is not a bad thing but when you start trying all your possible best just to look good all because you know that he or she will be attending either the function or coming around the office.

That is you loving a person.

READ ALSO: Sign You Were Never IN Love

3 You just want to see them: No matter how much you like hanging around with friends or colleagues at work, hanging around him or she is kind of feel special and wanting in a way that you can’t explain what is drawing you to him.

Stop fighting yourself and stop asking yourself am I in love, because you are definitely in love.

am i in love
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4 Your feelings grow every day: No matter how you want to stop thinking about the person, you see yourself feeling hurt, wanting, longing for him even more.

So instead of the love you are feeling for him to fade, it keeps growing that when when you want to forget him or her, you feel like you are hurting yourself.

Are you still asking Am I in love even after feeling this way? Okay, yes, you are in love and it is very clear that you are in love.

5 All your wishes are about him or her: Have you ever wish to have someone all to yourself so badly before? To the extent that you turn down every lady, men that come your way for a relationship just because you wish that one day, your wish may come true.

Then you don’t want to miss that opportunity when that finally happens? Then if your answer is yes again, why still asking yourself, “AM I IN LOVE?

Love can be so confusing at times that if you don’t take your time carefully and make a decision with caution you may end up hurting yourself or the people around you that care for you.

Always try and differentiate between you having a crush on someone and you being in love with someone because those two mean different things.

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