Can A Narcissists Be In A Healthy Relationship? First of all, before answering this question what is the correct meaning of a narcissist, a narcissist is an individual who has high egoism and pride in themself they believe that they are more superior and unique compared to others.
But in this article, we will not be discussing the meaning of narcissists our focus point is can narcissists be in a healthy relationship?
Answering this question can be kind of difficult because we have seen some narcissists who are actually enjoying their relationship cause their other partner is patient but on the other hand out of 100 narcissists only about 25 or 30 of them can be in a healthy relationship this is because their partner is patient. Since we have few narcissists who are in a healthy relationship that means the answer to our question can narcissists be in a healthy relationship is YES, But note it is very difficult to date a narcissist
But it can be very difficult dating a narcissist because you might suffer several emotional pains from them since they are selfish and not considerate they will continually cause emotional pain to you.
If you aren’t presently dating narcissists we will advise you not to even consider going into a relationship with one because dating a narcissist has only 15-25% of success in your relationship, but if you are presently dating a narcissist, and you don’t really have the strength to go through all the emotional pain their ego is causing you, you can simply quit the relationship and save your self the emotional stress. But if you are truly in love with a narcissist and you think he or she is the right person for you, you can actually help them change with some tips below
Signs That You Are Dating A narcissist
1. They believe they’re special and can only be understood by special people :
Narcissists usually believe that they are kind of special and that everyone around them is not up to their class.
2. Need for praise and admiration :
Narcissists want people to praise them for any little help or assistance they offer and if one fails to give a shower then enough praises they get mad and might decide to do something out of their mind
3. A pattern of exploiting others for personal gain :
Narcissists generally love to use people’s service without giving them the correct wages for the service offered because they might feel that the service is not well classic to their test
4. A lack of empathy :
Narcissists generally don’t like to accept other opinions on issues but always want others to accept their own opinion
5. Jealousy, envy, distrust :
When narcissists see someone doing something better than theirs typically become jealous and envious and seek other means to sabotage people’s good work
6. Arrogance and scorn :
Narcissists are allowed arrogant toward people because they feel that they are better than anyone else around them
But if you are truly in love with a narcissist and you think he or she is the right person for you, these are some tips on how to cope with a narcissist in your relationship
Can A Narcissists Be In A Healthy Relationship
Yes it is very possible for a narcissist to be in a relationship but the other partner in the relationship will surely go through a lot of emotional Pains in the relationship because it is not easy to be in a relationship with a proud and arrogant person (narcissists)
How to cope with narcissistic behaviors in your relationship
1. Clearly communicate how their actions affect you :
Ettensohn a love guru says that “Sometimes, a simple assertive statement like ‘Hey, my feelings are important, and I don’t feel that you are listening to them or taking them seriously,’ is sufficient,” he says. So learn to tell your narcissists partner that you don’t like what they did to you whenever they hurt you.
2. Set clear boundaries :
Setting boundaries doesn’t mean you should separate yourself from him or her it simply means that you should make your policy clear to them and tell them what you want and what you don’t want in your relationship. This simple step can save you from a lot of emotional suffering.
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3. Bring in a counselor :
If you have tried all you can and your narcissist’s partner is still frustrating you we will advise you to bring in a counselor who will look into your relationship and give you some relationship guide that might work for you
Dating a narcissist can be very difficult and stressful because both of your ways of life will keep clashing most times and because of their ego they will never want to apologize to you. So if you are currently not in a relationship with a narcissist, but you are considering going into a relationship with one probably because you feel you love him or her we will advise you not to take such a step to save yourself from heartbreak and emotional pains.
But if you are in a relationship with one, and you feel you love them enough we will advise you to try some of the tips we have presented above and if they work fine for you then we wish you and your partner a happy relationship but if after trying our tips and your partner still remains the same we will advise you to save your self from the emotional pains you are going through and quit the relationship. however we wish you luck in your relationship and if you have any questions you can simply ask in the comments section, and we will be glad to answer your questions