How to make your husband happy or sad, at times determines how he will treat you.
A saying;
“A woman who controls a man’s stomach has the power to control his heart.”
Yes, that’s right, but what about now that most men can cook even more than some ladies?
That’s why we have compile this to share with you.

- PRAYER: Be a prayerful woman. Learn to pray for yourself, your husband, your kids etc.
When you are prayerful, you will know the things to be praying for, when to pray for it and how to pray for it.
“prayer moves mountains”.
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- SUPPORTIVE: most men likes’ women who have an insight. You can use your insight to coach
and support your husband for the well-being of the family.
But don’t try to have the final say at all times just because you support him. signs he wants you in his future
- SUBMISSION: Be submissive to your man but don’t be a dump woman.
Know when to speak and when not to speak.
Don’t try to disrespect him especially in front of his friends even when you know that he is wrong.
You can correct him later when his friends are gone.
— how to make your husband happy
- A HOME MANAGER: be a good home manager, stand in for him when you know his capability is
reduced at that particular season.
If no food stuff in the house, adjust the way you use them and how you spend. Tips for a successful relationship
- LEARN TO COVER HIS WEAKNESS: if he can’t perform in a particular area in his life learn to help
him that’s why you are his help mate.
If you can’t help him, don’t sell him out to public or your friends because by hurting his ego, you
will end up scattering your home.

- BE A FRIEND NOT ONLY A LOVER: there are some men who cannot share their secrets with their
wives not because they don’t love them, but because they are not sure if their secret will be safe
with them or if they will lose their happy home because of the secret.
So they decide to keep it to themselves or share it with only their friends.
So learn to be a friend that he can rely on at any time knowing that their secret will not be leak outside.
- ORIGINAL: be original not fake. Don’t fake what you are not and don’t fake to be happy while
you are not because he is not a spirit to read your mind.
So open up to him when it is necessary, to save you the stress of being miserable. opening up is how you can make your man happy so don’t be so secretive.
—how to make your husband happy

- YOUR DRESSING: learn to dress to his taste.
Example; you used to wear jeans trousers when he met you and decided to marry you and after
marrying you, you start using wrappers in morning, afternoon and night. Are you his granny?
Dress to his taste each and every day dress in the house to seduce your man to make him fall
more and more in love with you every day. Keep yourself attractive just for him he is your man
not your roommate.
- SCURRILOUS: don’t be an abusive woman.
No responsible man loves a woman who is abusive, gross, scandalous, low obscene, foul mouthed etc.
Count your words don’t think you can just do free styling with any word that enters into your
Mouth especially when you are angry and your home still remains the same.
Words have the power to build and the power to destroy a home so choose wisely.
the power to make your husband happy is always with you, so it is either you try and make him stay at home or he stays out just to have a peace of mind.
make your husband miss you even while at work or when he travel.
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why you should use romantic words
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I was listed as the noisiest of our class and I am not shy to tell people that. Holla!