coronavirus and your relationship
Coronavirus: COVID-19 is a new illness that is spreading all around the world, it can affect your lungs and airways, it causes change in temperature, cough, difficulty in breathing etc.
In the process of this outbreak of the deadly virus called coronavirus. many changes have occur in our lives during this period, our relationship with people, our work, businesses, trips etc as been put in hold to avoid the virus from spreading.
According to NHS on coronavirus, the best thing to do is to avoid what may cause the generation of the virus) since they don’t really know how the virus spread from person to person so close contact
with people who might have or come in contact with the virus.
working from home, if you can is the best way, ( you can sign up
to work with fiverr, teespring, jvzoo start marketing work with a
guru digital marketing)
avoid social gathering, such as going to pubs, restaurants, beach,
theatres and cinemas, also avoid events with large groups of
people. maybe the best way to stay safe
With this virus, panic is everywhere that it has affect many of us
from even stepping outside.
- Below are the things you can do during this coronavirus outbreak
to still stay up to date in your relationship:

- Video Calls: Thanks to Mr. Mark Zuckerberg owner of Facebook for making video calls
through social media to be made easy for people who don’t use
Skype and people whom their phones are not configured nor
support video calls.
Frequent Text messages: Not being able to go out with your
partner is just a physical excuse but don’t let coronavirus to be
the reason you wouldn’t remind your partner how much you love
2. Appointment: the same way you and your partner have been
making appointment to meet in a particular spot, use that same
way and invite him/her to be online at a particular time and day
for a chat.
3. Pictures: have fun with crazy pictures, snap a funny pic maybe
while eating, sleeping or crying etc and send it likewise her, like
that you are trying to restore the happiness and to straighten the
intimacy in the relationship.
4. Love song: There is how you share a song with someone and you
put a smile on someone face. the smile is not because of the
singer but is because of the sender, and anytime that song is
played, it reminds him/her about you and how she misses you.
Don’t use coronavirus as an excuse of not showing your partner
how much you love him/her. most importantly, stay safe.
Tips for a successful relationship 2 SIGNS THAT YOU ARE GETTING DUMPED
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