11 Reasons Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

Reasons Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

Why Do Women Stay In Abusive Relationships: The issue of domestic violence and how to deal with abusive relationships is one of the most controversial topics in today’s society. Throughout the ages, this problem has also been a difficult one for many women who are usually left torn between staying in an abusive relationship and risking their lives by leaving.

Abuse can be physical, mental, or emotional but whatever form it takes, it is always damaging to both parties involved whether they are male or female. Women may find themselves asking why do men stay in abusive relationships? Why don’t men just leave? Instead of asking why he stays, we need to turn that question around to ask why do women stay in abusive relationships?

11 Reasons Why Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

#1: She loves him How else would you describe her feelings towards him? It is only natural for a woman to love the man she chooses to be with. And when she does, it makes her want to stick by his side and nurture him despite all the violence he dishes out. This kind of love is unconditional and can survive anything.

#2: She has high hopes Some women find themselves in abusive relationships because they have incredibly high hopes for their partners. They believe that through love and understanding, they can be rehabilitated from whatever made them go astray in the first place or that things will improve with time as long as both parties are committed to working on it together.

#3: Fear of being alone No matter how bad her situation may get, there’s always the fear that if she leaves, she’ll be all alone. We, humans, are naturally social animals and can’t handle being isolated for long periods of time without going insane. The thought of ending up on the streets with no one to turn to is even scarier than staying in the abusive relationship she’s already in.

#4: Children There are also some women who stay because they have children to take care of. High-stress situations tend to make kids act out which could lead to them getting kicked out or worse, injured by their fathers. She doesn’t have a choice but to stay and weather the storm for her child’s sake if it means keeping him or her safe from harm.

A mother will frequently choose to stay and endure abuse rather than put her child through possible trauma from losing another parent or having to adjust to new surroundings. Furthermore, many women feel that it is unfair for them to take their kids away from one environment with one set of problems only to inflict more on them by taking him/her away from friends and school and moving into an uncertain future where there might be little resources and even less support available.

#5: Financial obligations In some cases, women end up staying for this reason. She might feel responsible for providing for the family and may not have any other option but to stick it out or foreclosure will follow. It is very difficult to find a new job that pays as well as their old one, especially in today’s economic system where companies downsize left and right all the time. So, if she has bills to pay that can’t be deferred, she doesn’t really have much choice when it comes to staying put and dealing with her partner’s abusive behavior at home.

#6: Fear of retaliation Being afraid of what her partner might do next is another factor why women stay in abusive relationships. The threats are always there lurking just beneath the surface of his calm demeanor and even if he never actually follows through, it still creates an environment of uncertainty and fear.

#7: Exhaustion Whether it is physical or mental exhaustion, you can not underestimate its power to wear down a person’s resistance. In some cases, the victim may become so tired from all the fighting that they just give in out of pure boredom and fatigue.

Being beaten over and over again with words may take a toll on an individual more than we realize because constant stress causes our bodies to produce chemicals such as cortisol which accelerates different parts of the aging process like memory loss, weight gain, etc… When she feels overwhelmed that she has no other choice but to leave at that moment in time, she doesn’t have the energy needed within her to do it effectively and her partner ends up keeping her in the relationship by threatening to take away what she hopes is dear to her heart: children, money, and most of all love.

#8: Fear of abandonment This is a major reason why some women stay in abusive relationships. They usually feel that no one else will want them or that they’ll have to start their romantic life from scratch if they leave. Out of fear of being alone again, she chooses to stick it out and endures the abuse instead of having to be lonely for a while until she can find someone else who’s ready for commitment.

See Also: Signs That He Loves You Deeply Than You Know

#9: Insecurity Some women don’t just want a boyfriend; they want unconditional love as well, which comes with an expectation that they should look and act a certain way. If she is not beautiful enough or smart enough, she may feel that there’s no one else who would want her beside her abusive partner. This feeling of being undesirable can make it very difficult for women to leave because they don’t want to end up alone if they break things off with their abusive partners.

#10: Lack of confidence It has been proven that low self-esteem can cause people to remain in bad relationships longer than they should. She may lack the inner strength needed to recognize her worthiness as a human being outside of the relationship and this holds her back from leaving at all costs because she doesn’t see how anyone else will value her needs before those of someone else once she leaves.

#11: And finally, the biggest reason why women stay in an abusive relationship is that they don’t have any help and support outside of it. Many individuals who live in abusive situations feel that they’re either too ashamed or “stupid” to seek help on their own. There are many organizations out there such as The National Domestic Violence Hotline that can lend you a hand if you find yourself in an abusive relationship. If you or anyone else is feeling depressed, lonely, hopeless, suicidal, please call them.

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