How To End A Friendship
Ending a friendship is never easy. Whether you’ve drifted apart or are facing an irreparable conflict, the end of a friendship can leave you feeling confused, hurt, and even guilty. But ending a friendship successfully doesn’t have to be painful — or awkward. If you’re wondering how to end a friendship, read this article for tips on how to handle your next breakup.
How To End A Friendship
#1The first step in ending a friendship is accepting reality: You will not be friends anymore.
Accepting this reality is the first step to moving on and letting go of your friendship, but it’s also an essential part of ending a friendship successfully. Even if you’re heartbroken over losing someone as a friend, try to remind yourself that you’ll still have plenty of other people in your life who care about you — including family members, coworkers, or classmates.
#2 The most important thing to do when ending a friendship is, to be honest about why you’re doing it:

The best way to end a friendship is by being honest. If you’re not sure how things went wrong, then try asking your friend about it. Though they may be hurt that you want to end the relationship, they deserve an explanation and closure for their feelings. Honesty will help them move on as well.
If the reason has something to do with the other person’s behavior or character, don’t hesitate to speak up! Even if this makes them angry at first, confronting someone honestly can lead to better understanding — even if they disagree with what you have said.
It takes courage and strength of conviction when ending a friendship successfully. Be brave enough in saying goodbye.
#3 Accept your feelings and don’t let guilt get in the way of ending a toxic friendship:
It’s important to accept that you’re feeling hurt, angry, or sad when ending a friendship. Guilt can prevent people from following through with this difficult but necessary step in the healing process and should be avoided at all costs if possible. However, it is also worth keeping in mind that guilt may occasionally be helpful — for example, if your friend feels guilty about how they treated you before.
If their apologies are sincere (and not simply an attempt to keep hanging out), take them into account as one of the factors when deciding what to do next: How likely is it that they will change? How much value does our relationship have? How long ago did these incidents occur? If there has been no improvement over time then chances are better than the friendship will end.
If you’re not sure how to tell your friend that it’s over, start by being honest about why you want to stop hanging out with them: “I still love spending time with you and talking [and] I enjoyed our times together, but as we are growing older things have changed.” Then offer some hope for their future: “But just because we aren’t friends doesn’t mean I don’t care about what happens in your life!”
Lastly, kindly explain that they should keep any bad feelings to themselves (or share them privately) so as not to make other people feel uncomfortable around them. By giving this final warning, you should be able to walk away knowing that both parties’ needs were considered.
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#4 Be sure that you can handle the potential fallout before you end a friendship with someone important to you:
Ending a friendship when it’s been important to you is difficult, but not impossible. Be sure that you have already thought about the potential fallout and are prepared for any possible reactions they may have — both good and bad. If your friend has hurt or offended you before, be especially cautious: You may want to schedule a time at least one week ahead of their next expected visit so that the ending can happen during this time period instead of in person.
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If possible, end on an honest note without regrets: “I care deeply about our relationship, which used to mean something very special to me” or “[You] were once my best friend.” Do what feels right for yourself!
#5 Approach the situation with compassion, even if your friend doesn’t see it that way at first:
It’s important to think about how the person you’re ending a friendship with will react. How do they respond when they feel hurt? What are their weaknesses? How does this affect them mentally and emotionally? How might it change in time, either for good or bad? Take these things into account as much as possible so that both parties can move on more smoothly.
If your friend doesn’t believe there is anything wrong at first, be prepared to make an emotional plea: “I want us to end our relationship because I care about you.” Share what he/she means to you — not just listing the pros of being friends but also going over any cons. Be sure to keep your tone honest and compassionate during all parts of the conversation!
#6 Try not to be so harsh when explaining your reasons:
It can be hard to end a friendship, and sometimes it’s easier for people to focus on what they’re losing instead of the reasons why they want to let go. But try not to be too harsh with your own feelings about their actions or who you are as an individual when breaking up! Even if this person has hurt you in the past, think about how he/she might feel after hearing that his/her friend is ending things.
If possible, include some positive thoughts in your final goodbye: “I hope we will always have each other” or “[You] know I love you.” This way both parties will walk away feeling understood no matter which side ends up getting hurt more. How do you know it’s time?
#when you should end a friendship:
How do you know when it’s time to end a friendship?
– How long ago did these incidents occur? If there has been no improvement over time then chances are better than the friendship will end.
– How serious were the problems that caused this relationship to dissolve in the first place? How much have they impacted your life and happiness? Is it something that could potentially lead to more difficult relationships with other people, too, if not addressed? These are all important factors for determining whether or not an ending is necessary.
– Give them some hope: “But just because we aren’t friends doesn’t mean I don’t care about what happens in your life!”
#How do you get your best friend back?
– If you want them back, talk about it in person and during a time when there are fewer distractions.
– Be honest with yourself about why you’re feeling the need for this change: “I miss how we used to be” or “We’ve grown apart.” These feelings can stem from many different sources whether they’re caused by other people or past events between friends that have transpired over time.
– Consider what both of these points mean before making any rash decisions: It may be worth holding on if you were close as kids and never would have imagined growing up without each other! But make sure not to ignore red flags such as anger, hurtful fights, jealousy, etc.
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