Can A Relationship Lead To Marriage

Can A Relationship Lead To Marriage

According to experts and love gurus, it has been proven that 80% of marriages today started from a relationship only a few were arranged.


Everybody can be in a relationship, but the question here is are you sure that your present relationship can lead to marriage? If you are not sure don’t worry that is why we decided to put up this article to show you some tips on how to build your relationship that can lead to marriage.


Tips For Building A Relationship That Can Lead To Marriage


1. Build Trust: trust is the bedrock for building successful relationships that will lead to marriage. No one will want to marry a partner that they don’t trust so if you want your relationship to lead to marriage you must make sure that you become open and truthful so that your partner will have trust and confidence in you


2. Be Respectful :

Being respectful entails that you give your partner the accolade they deserve, be obedient to their rules, and respect their thoughts, ideas, and way of life. One of the main reasons you need to be respectful is because everyone wants peace in their marriage and if they find out that you are not respectful they might call off the relationship because marrying a disobedient partner is like using your own hands to set your house on fire


3. Be Supportive :

Always motivate your spouse in good and hard times. Give them strength in times of weakness, be supportive in their worst moments and appreciate them as well in their achievement. Since marriage is the union of two people who are ready to support each other you must learn to be supportive to your partner this will send a signal to them that you are ready for marriage

Can A Relationship Lead To Marriage

4. Always be appreciative :

The word thank you goes a long way than you think if you want your present relationship to lead to marriage you must adopt the habit of being appreciative no matter the little your partner gives, when your partner sees that you are appreciative it will send a signal to them that you are the right person for them


5. Learn to Apologize :

Just as being respectful is highly essential for a relationship to lead to marriage it is also imperative for you to learn how to apologize to your partner whenever you are wrong, since we are human and not robots we are naturally bound to make mistakes we should also learn to apologize to our partners whenever we are wrong.


6. Don’t be selfish :

In other for you to build a relationship that can lead to marriage you must try never to be selfish before taking any step or before making any decisions don’t only think about yourself but also think about how it will affect your partner no one will love to marry a selfish or self-centered partner so learn how to stop the habit of being Self.


Signs Your Relationship Will Lead To Marriage


1. Frequently Visits Home :

this is one of the signs that your relationship is growing to the point of marriage you will notice that your partner who hardly visits you will start seeing you regularly because they enjoy your presence and want you to be part of their life’s


2. Introduces You to Their Family :

Another sign that your relationship is leading to marriage is that your partner will being to introduce you to some of their important friends, colleague, and close family member


3. You Make Decisions Jointly :

Another sign that your relationship is leading to marriage is that you both begin to discuss important feature issues and make amazing joint decisions to solve those issues



4. Proposal :

This is one of the ways of telling your partner that you are willing and ready to accept her into your life, take good care of her and make her your wife

If your relationship is having issues, check out this it might help Top Freaky Relationship Goals

5. Making Weeding Preparation :

This is one of the signs that tell you that the relationship is leading to marriage once your partner starts making Weeding Preparation with you just be rest assured that your relationship is 95% into marriage already

READ ALSO: 9 signs he wants you in his future that will make you love him even more



Can a relationship lead to marriage by now you must have known that the answer to this question is yes, it is normal to be in a relationship, and it is also another to be in a relationship that will lead to marriage for your relationship to lead to marriage you should learn to build trust, respect and be supportive to your partner with this your partner will have full confidence that marrying won’t be a mistake

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