love happen


when love happens 2

Click below to read Chapter 2 of when love happens

During that evening, Kristina sat out with her friend Sarah having fun when Krish Kristina’s twin

sister walked in)

Krish: Oh my God, am so tired. Hey babes what are you ladies up to?

Sarah: welcome boss madam you have finally decided to come back.

Kristina: (laughed) don’t mind her, she came back late to avoid cooking, lazy girl.

Krish: hahaha, my dear you see me so? I am going to marry a rich man so I will have house maid

as many as I want.

Sarah: Amen oh.. abi those maids are not humans like you. crazy girl.

They all laughed as the discussion continued……

Kristina: speaking of marrying a rich man. Guess who came to the bakery today?

Sarah and Krish: who?

Kristina: Mr. Michael Sharks the…..

Sarah: (cuts in) the co-founder of M3groups of companies?

Krish: shut up!!! Oh My God!!! Did you speak with him?

Kristina: well, he…… we talked and he….

Krish: (cut in) and he what……? Gist me babe fast now…

Sarah: Ah Krish easy na why your body dey hot? how will she gist us while you are not allowing her to speak.

(all laughed)

Kristina: we spoke for about 30 minutes or there about. Then he demanded for my contact.

Krish and Sarah: and???

Kristina: I gave it to him.. is just contact now right?

Krish: my dear that’s a big catch even if is not just contact, you are in the right track…

Kristina: but you know that……(call entered her phone) speaking of the devil

Krish: pick it up.

(after the phone conversation ended)

Krish: and so???

Kristina: he asked me out for dinner tomorrow.

Krish: Girl!!! I’m telling you not as a friend but a sister, don’t lose this opportunity because as

you can see like play, you have made it.

Kristina: you know I don’t believe in that shit call love that’s why I don’t go into relationship

with any man except my bakery. And also woman, the last time I checked you were my sister

not my friend.

Krish: hahaha okay. But don’t lose this.

Kristina: come on girl, he is a slut everyone knows about this. Just that he is a billionaire that’s why many ladies keeping falling for him.

Krish: that’s the thing. We know that he is a womanizer, but girl, that guy has everything to

keep a woman comfortable for life. Perhaps, who cares about what he does at night as long as

you are getting your share of the cake isn’t it Sarah?

(Sarah looked at them but said nothing)

Kristina: what’s wrong Sarah?

Krish: Don’t tell me you fell in love with Michael. Did he break your heart?

Kristina: hahaha silly girl. When will you ever change?

Sarah: of course not. I’m not in love with Mike.

Kristina: then what is it? Talk to us.

Sarah: okay if you want to. Its about my brother.

Kristina: what about him? Is he okay?

Sarah: yes he is okay. Just that he enjoys disgracing our family name and I hate it when people call him names.

Kristina: oh so Mike reminded of him? I get it.

Krish: sorry girl we didn’t know that the discussion will remind you of your brother.

Kristina: what have your family say about his case? But I hope is really not bad like Mike?

Atleast you guys have a better home upbringing.

Sarah: (smiles but say nothing)

Krish: Is your brother cute? No offenses.

Sarah: yes, he is.

Krish: all he needs is a strong lady like Kristina that will should him what it means to be in love. And once he have

that, I’m sure he will change.

Sarah: I guess so..

Kristina: are you guys kidding me right now? You know I don’t believe in that thing call love.

Sarah: I don’t want you to love my brother, I just need a good friend that can set him straight.

Kristina: and how do you know that your brother that likes women will not try to put me on his bed?

Krish: you can resist him. Or you call me, I will come and break his teeth.

Sarah: hmmm… my brother can do anything else but he can never force a woman into bed

against her will… I will pay you

Kristina: what about Mike? what will I do about him?

Krish: shine eye Mike is just hit and run… everybody knows what he is capable of doing with

anything on skirt.

Kristina: abi you are right.

Sarah: she is not right.

Kristina: what do you mean?

Sarah: everyone is wrong about Mike.

Kristina: So everyone is wrong and you?

Krish: he told you about himself in your vision that he is different?

Sarah: hmmm

Kristina: how do you know that what people say about him is wrong?

Sarah: (mute for some minute) I know because he is my brother…


CHAPTER 4 of when love happens  LOADING


MY GIRLFRIEND scene 1 to the end

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