A captivating tale unfolds as a charming Nigerian woman recounts the serendipitous encounter that led her to the love of her life many years ago. The woman fondly recalls that their journey began when she generously treated the young man to some delicious egg rolls, ultimately igniting a flame that would make him the sole occupant of her heart. As she delves deeper into their love story, she shares how he selflessly supported her education by paying her school fees, and their love blossomed into a beautiful union that has since brought two wonderful sons into their lives.
@bigpat_5, a remarkable Nigerian woman on TikTok, left netizens awe-struck by sharing her incredible love story. This joyful lady shared an adorable video capturing a memorable moment from their university sign-out day, featuring her alongside a tall and charming man.
In 2018, she disclosed a heartwarming story where she treated him to an egg roll and a coke at the school cafeteria, and in return, he graciously covered her tuition fees for a span of four years.
As their program continued, their connection deepened, eventually leading to the birth of their two beloved sons. Accompanying the video, @bigpat_5 added the caption: “…”
“I bought him Egg roll and coke in 2018 in the school cafeteria & he paid my four years school fees and we have 2 sons throughout the program.”
In the video, Pat and her partner were captured celebrating their sign-out day, exuding pure joy and profound gratitude for the extraordinary journey they had embarked on together.
“I married the man of my dreams”: pretty bride and her hubby warms heart online.
Reactions from people:
*EGHOSA N said: “Na to just Dey share egg roll and coke for school cold or hot coke?”
*Blessing commented: “Congratulations dear.”
*Falaive Toyosi Adera reacted: “Bottle coke or plastic please be specific.”
*Evils commented: “Moral lesson try Dey buy egg roll and coke for boy u fit jam ur husband congrats mama.”
*Presh commented: “As we just commot from university, abeg where be anoda location to buy egg roll and coke for guy.”
*Drama qween commented: “Oya ooo which boy I go buy egg roll and coke.”
Watch the video below:
@bigpat_5Campus Love❤️🔥👩🎓♬ Neeja Alone Sped up – Neeja