valentine's day

Ways to spend your Valentine’s day even without money

valentine’s day is a great day to express how much you love someone you are with. although you can still express your love on other days, valentine’s day makes it special.

When we say expressing how much you love someone does not mean that you must have sexual intercourse with someone on that faithful day or that you should empty your account balance just to express how much you love a person.

That is why in this article, I have gone ahead and compile how you can enjoy your valentine’s day with or without money.

Do you know what valentine’s day means? well, I never had an insight on this valentine’s day meaning that almost everyone is always crazy about really meant nor why people take it so personally. but then I decided to do some research, and this is what I realized;

couple wearing matching outfit
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

That valentine’s day is not only the day that two priests named Valentine were killed, it is also a day when couples celebrate their love in different and special ways.

Although valentine’s day is not only for couples to celebrate love, it is also a day where we celebrate everyone we love including our parents, children, and friends.

But before we go into how to spend your valentine’s day, note this; If you have money and you want to spend it, do it but that still doesn’t prove that you love the person or that the person involve loves you either.

To celebrate your valentine’s day, you have to, first of all, know some of these necessary things about your partner:

  1. His or her favorite color.
  2. Your partners favorite TV shows
  3. Your partner’s favorite food or spot.
  4. Your partner likes and dislikes.
  5. Your partner kind of person.

Your partner may be someone that do not like outing, but that doesn’t mean that he or she wouldn’t want to celebrate valentine’s day with you. All you have to do is figure out what she likes doing at home and try and engage it on that day together To spice up your relationship.

It may be a movie, TV show, love novels, games, etc.

Before reading this, know that it depends on the kind of person you are together in a relationship

A nice and understanding lady that loves and cares about you so much will understand when you have money and when you don’t have it and when it is a must for you to save for a future purpose.

These are some valentine’s day gift ideas;

  1. Sightseeing: a lot of people like exploring, while some likes nature, if you know which one your partner likes, it will save you the stress of thinking about how to please her on this faithful day.
  2. Cinema: well to see a movie, you got to have a ticket but it doesn’t cost much, with $10 you can take her out to a movie.

If you are a giving type, she will understand that at this moment, that there is no money, and to avoid you giving her excuses, you now decided to take her out to see a movie.

She will be so attached to you on this day because of this simple act. if you doubt me, look at her face if you see a smile on her face knowing that you have made her day which makes it better than being in her room all by herself.

If you are a stingy type, sorry because she won’t buy the idea that you have no money at that moment. So be transparent in dealing with your relationship.

  1. Be together: I’ve seen a lot of people posting on social media how they broke up with their partner just because they had no money to make their valentine’s day great. but that’s not it.
    Spending time with someone that you love is what makes your valentine’s day great not by what you spend or what you can offer.

As a lady or man in a relationship, the greatest gift someone can give to you is his or her attention, not just to you but also to the future of the relationship although it is not every relationship that has to result in marriage, it is all relationship that opens your understanding to what commitment is all about.

So be together with your partner, your discussion should be love, don’t use the word “I” instead use the word “WE” while talking. It will show him or her how much you value and care for the relationship to continue.

elderly couple wearing sunglasses
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com
  1. Take a lot of selfies together: Yeah selfie, nothing makes a girl smiling the next day after Val day than remembering all the good moment she had with her guy. and selfies happens to be one of the tools that come into play.

It doesn’t have to be a serious picture, it can be a funny face picture that when he or she looks at it, she will not only smile but she will also laugh at the way you acted like a baby.

  1. Do a lot of stuff together: Do you know that cooking together in the kitchen, takes bath together, using the same color of clothes, etc on this faithful day speaks a lot about where your relationship is going? Or am I the only one that knew this? I guess not.

All these, bring out the color in your relationship, cooking together shows that you enjoy her company and it triggers her emotion making her desire you even more.

You may be asking, What if I can’t cook since I am a man? The truth is that you are not there to cook actually, you are they to keep her company and to help reduce the stress but making her laugh while cooking.

Stress can make you cook for 3 hours but with happiness, you can finish a work of 3 hours under 2 hours because you will not even feel it or a need to relax small before you continue.

  1. Go to the beach: Ladies like the beach, it helps us relax. so take her to the beach, have fun, laugh, play, etc and finally, give her a massage if you can.
  2. Text her: I know you do text her or don’t, but on this day, make it special, don’t use the regular valentine’s text message books to copy a message for her. Make it special by using your own words.

write what your heart tells you, allow your feelings and emotions to lead you in this process because you can’t do it along using your head, you need your emotions on this assignment.

We ladies do know when someone sends us a text from a book and when it is from the heart. so which means that no matter how long and sweet the one from the book is, it will not have the same effect on a person the same way those short texts from the heart will have.

  1. Watch some valentine’s day movies together: Yeah there are a lot of movies out there that are acted base on valentine.

If you don’t know how to go about finding the valentine’s day movies, then move on to any love movies that you know it has what it takes to make the room colorful while watching with her.

Some valentine’s day movies that are already available since the ’90s are;
  1. Always be my maybe
  2. the big sick
  3. Crazy Rich Asian
  4. The romance
  5. Bride and prejudice
  6. True romance
  7. Breathless
  8. Before sunrise
  9. La la land
  10. Romeo and Juliet

Some other movies you can watch on valentine’s day is Hallmark movies. Almost all their storyline is always about love. how someone finds love, how love changed someone, how to find love, how to make your love work, how to express and celebrate love, etc, and a lot more.

All you have to do is find the one that works for you, and keep it.

valentine's day
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com
  1. Go to the studio: you can take some photos in the house if you don’t have enough cash to visit the studio for some valentine’s day pictures but If you do have, take her to the studio, get some shots and remember that valentine’s day only comes ones in a year.

So leave something that when she looks at it, she will smile and say to someone, “wow we were so cute here, can you believe these photos were taken on valentine’s day the year before last” how time flies.

If you think that you can do this point, then do valentine’s day pictures have to be perfect?

Valentine’s day pictures:

The truth is that it doesn’t have to be a perfect set of pictures, it can even be one of the craziest pictures you two have ever taken before or for a long time.

Below is an example of valentine’s day pictures.

couple in red sweater dancing
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

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