when love happens is one of my original play.
There lived three friends Mike, Moses and Miracle (M3).
Mike was tall, chocolate skin and muscular, Moses was cute but
short, Miracle was fair, tall and slim.
These three have been friends since childhood that everybody
who knew them started calling them M3.
M3 were so closed that they never wanted to separate from one
another even their parent never tried to separate them.
M3 have been together until university level.
In the university, Mike studied computer science, Moses
marketing while Miracle studied Law.
At the end of their study year, Mike was able to obtain a master
degree scholarship to study in India best Institution of
Miracle was called to bar immediately he completed his education
and Moses went into digital marketing businesses.
Few years later, Mike was through with his Masters and decided
to come back to the country.
Even when his parent asked him to stay over there and start a life
maybe go for doctoring, he said No.
On reaching the country, he now decided to bring up a business
idea during his sit out with his friends. Which they all agreed to it.
A month later, Mike being good in his field, decided to build a site
with the niche m3gist and later shared
responsibilities between his friends.
Moses was in charge of the marketing, advertisement, promotions
Miracle was in charge of the latest trending in national and
international news and Mike was in charge of the maintenance
and also programming tutor.
A year later, their m3gist website started gaining popularity they
then went further and rented a building to use as a company.
With this, they started helping people running local businesses in
their city by registering their businesses, products with m3gist for
Mike, Moses, Miracle founders of m3gist marketing group of
companies was recognized all over the world.
Mike being the brain behind m3gist, tall and handsome guy, he
could get any lady he decides with that, he believed that there is
nothing like love without money.
His friends tired talking him out of his flirting life style but it was
in vain.
One day they were having lunch in a restaurant when a lady
walked up to their table and said “Hello handsome” when they
looked up Mike discover that she was referring to him so he
looked at his friends and later turned around and smile at the
lady and said, “Hello beautiful”.
Am Sandra she said and I’m Mike. So, Mr. Mike do you mind we
speaking on phone?
Then handed over her card to Mike before Mike could respond.
Then he said sure who with his right senses wouldn’t call a
beautiful damsel like you. They both smile and held hands for a
minute then left.
(Immediately she left)
Mike discovered that his friends were starring at him with surprising eyes, he then laughed and said what?
Am I the one that went for that one or she came to me? Guys see
that’s life, when you are tall, cute and rich, love is very simple to get.
Miracle: (to mike) you better be careful because being cute and
rich does not prevent disease when it comes knocking.
(they all laughed and started eating their launch)
Miracle was really disturbed by his friend’s life style he then
decided to discuss it with Moses so that they can make a plan on
how to make him stop.
(That evening, they went to Mike’s apartment while chatting and
watching India love movies, an idea came into Moses head and he
spoke out)
Mike, have you ever stick with one lady up to a month before?
Moses asked.
On hearing the question, Mike laughed, Of course not… why
should I be wasting my time
while there are other ladies out there waiting for their own share
of this (he touched his body).
Miracle and Moses decided to use his statement to their own
advantage knowing very well that Mike doesn’t like losing to
anyone when it comes to challenges.
So they said Mike if you date a particular lady for at least two
months, we will give you 10% of our share of the company.
But he laughed then stir at them and said you are kidding? Then
he discovered that they were not smiling so he said, you guys are
not kidding?
We are serious but it’s okay, we already knew you can’t do it.
(he was mute for some minutes)
He said, but two months is too much now….
Miracle: So do you agree or you are backing out?
Mike: No I agree, perhaps 10% from you both will go a long way.
But I got to choose the lady I want. Do you guys agree with me?
Miracle and Moses: (both agreed) you are the boss.
Coming soon……
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Thanks for reading…..
This is a nice story.. I am anticipating to read thenexr episode